Archive for February 2014
Gotta Keep Your Head Up!
As I have said before, I firmly believe that if people do not like silly pop songs then they need a good tickle session! This song by Andy Grammer is my new fav. It has been on the radio for a while and it always seems to make me smile and sing with its’…
Read MoreThe Path of the Heart
This is my new fav song. I love John Legend: always have. The words of this song are so simple and beautiful yet run so deep. While on the surface it seems to be about creating a loving union with another person, for me it means something much more. The whole idea of soulmates,…
Read MorePursuing Happiness Will Smith as Chris Gardner in the :”Pursuit of Happyness” is pure beauty. Anytime Will Smith is on the screen he commands attention but playing Gardner, he grabbed my heart strings and gave them a huge pull. By now you are realizing that any underdog story of someone who has had hard luck…
Read MoreBecause I’m Happy
Aw you know you can’t help but bustin a move when this song comes on the radio….or maybe it’s just me but I highly doubt it. I love Pharrell Williams, so talented, smooth and well yes very adorable. But I did not post his really cool video to talk about my crush on him. I…
Read MoreLetting the Flow Go
I’m sorry….I just couldn’t resist. After my slinky analogy in our last discussion on resiliency If I Can Can, You Can Can I have had the song in my head ever since. Once I looked it up on YouTube, I knew I needed to share it as it brings those of us born in the…
Read MoreIf I Can Can, You Can Can
Oh ya…you know what I am going to say….can I get a HELL YEAH up in here??? You simply must watch Mayoon Zayid do her thing in this TED talk. Wanna talk about resiliency? She not only embodies it but she could package it, make it a spray, a cologne, a perfume, put it on…
Read MoreNew beginnings
Last week I came home to this gorgeous sunset outside my kitchen door and it just had the feeling of a new beginning blossoming. This past Thursday the moon began a new cycle and brought with it opportunities for new beginnings. Have you felt how the energy seem to be lightening up? Ahhhh thank god…
Read MoreThriving not Surviving
Lately I have been coming back a topic that is near and dear to my heart…he concept of whether or not we are have to be defined by our wounds. Most recently, I have been thinking more about resilience. It was raised recently during a discussion with a friend when she reflected to me that…
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