Archive for April 2016
Surrender, Let Go, Be Free
Lately I have been working on letting go. Not just the airy fairy “let go you can’t control it” BS but really and truly trusting in the Universe, in God, in something larger than myself to help support me along the way. Now I know that sounds like a whole lot of heavy doo doo …
Read MoreDawning of a New Day
Today is Patriot’s Day, also known as Marathon Day here in Boston. It ‘s a day that has become associated with the “Boston Strong” logo for strength and community after the bombing at the marathon two years ago. While anniversaries are always a time to look back and think of ourselves as “survivors” I would…
Read MoreWhat is your Hum?
This morning I decided to slow down. My brain said “go to the gym” and my body was say “woo Nelly….sit down, lay down, chillllllllll.” And so I did just that. In doing so, I decided to pick up my trusty IPad and look at TED talks. Something I used to do all the time.…
Read MoreBouncing Back to Resilient You
Lately I have talked to many people about the concept of resiliency. The Webster Dictionary definition of resilient is “flexible, pliable, supple, malleable.” When I think of resiliency I always think of the old toy from the 80s….the slinky!! For those of you not in the know….the slinky was a wire spiral toy that was…
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