Archive for May 2015
Leading with Your Heart
In our last chat,Finding You Beneath it All we talked about finding the illusive self underneath all the BS in life. You know, it’s that concept of you underneath all of life’s fearful thoughts, expectations and predictions. The You that is at the core. We chatted about how it is about seeing the connection between…
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Just this moment…just this breath. Just these rays. Right here. Right now. This was my mantra yesterday as I lay in the sun at Crane’s Beach in Ipswich; a place where peace is everywhere (except when kids are arguing over the pail that is:) Last week was a week that became a game changer. …
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Spring and Summer tend to be the space in between for me. The heaviness of the winter begins to shed and it’s time to be outside soaking up the sun. Time begins to stand still more and a feel like I can breathe. Slowing down allows me to take it what it is that…
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This is the view from my kitchen last night. FINALLY a day like not one we have seen in a LONG time. 80 degrees in Boston and hot by the ocean. I spent the afternoon at the beach in awe. I felt like I was with a friend who I hadn’t seen in way…
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