Allowing the Light to Carry you Forth


This is the view from my kitchen last night.  FINALLY a day like not one we have seen in a LONG time.  80 degrees in Boston and hot by the ocean.  I spent the afternoon at the beach in awe.  I felt like I was with a friend who I hadn’t seen in way too long.  For the first time in many weeks I felt a sense of peace come over me.  I felt slower than I have felt in a LONG time and it felt good.  When it came time to fix dinner, this is what the Universe surprised me with as an ending to a perfect day.  All this on the eve of the Full Moon.  Ahhhhhh I love when the Full Moon arrives because it’s impending arrival generally feels more like someone is putting me in a washing machine and I am going around and around and around.  As I settle down into some literal new beginnings, I have to say that life is feeling much brighter.  Maybe it was the sand and sun, but there was a shift that occurred almost overnight for me that brought me into a much different place yesterday.  I believe what it is, is that I am beginning to allow the light to carry me forth.  In our last chat Light Shines on Darkness  we talked about how when the light of spirit is shining bright around you it makes you acutely aware of what is no longer working.  The shifts and changes that were made after this awareness seem to have brought me into a new space.  A space of spacious light and love.

I know you are thinking….”dude what are you on.” Seriously  I can say nothing and I can also say that this is not my usual space to be in.  Generally if I am not in control, then I don’t do so well.  I struggle with the concept of letting go, trusting the Universe, and all that spiritual mumbo jumbo.  Anyone that knows me knows that I am a person that from the age of 18 was creating a resume.  I have never much believed that anyone would do things for me and therefore went about doing it for myself.  But as I share with clients, it is the HOW we do things that is important.  I have always had a talent for manifesting what I want.  I always thought this aspect of myself had to do with the fact that I was an overachiever, Type A personality and not very interested in the concept of can’t or won’t happen.  But I have come to realize that this ability to manifest, while partly due to motivation, is mostly due to a connection that I have with the larger Universe.  I have this knack for following energy and finding people, places and situations that embody that light.  In cultivating this aspect of myself, I have also become increasingly intensely aware of energies around me.  At times, this can be overwhelming, like when I am on the T and the noise around me is so overstimulating that I feel like I want to scream.  Or when I can so acutely feel the people around me and what is going on with them.  There are times when this awareness has felt like a gift and other times it feels like a curse.  One thing I can say positive about it is that it has continued to help me move closer and closer to my own truth and happiness.  Most recently this ability has helped me to let go of things that weren’t working out.  My practice of yoga and meditation has helped calm the storm that this ability causes within and helps me to make the decisions needed to move forth.

As we sift through the rubble of all the internal shifts that have occurred this year, it is really important to allow yourself the space to just be.  I am taking some time off this spring/summer to assess next steps for myself as the seriousness of life has caused me to forget what is truly important.  Being in nature has the ability to strip us right down to our bare naked selves.  Listening to the tide come and go yesterday helped me realize that it’s time to fully allow the light to carry me forth and let go of the fear that tends to bolster my nervous frenzied energy.  Be still, be with people you love and who love you and know that the light is always there to guide you.


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