Archive for August 2013
Let it Be, Let it Be….
This morning I was reading “A Path with Heart” by Jack Kornfield. And true to form, I got just what I needed. Kornfield was discussing the good old topic of letting go but with a twist. He shared that letting it be could be useful when letting go does not happen easily. He states “whenever…
Read Moreawww how does it feel…to be on your own, with no direction home. like a rolling stone…
Man Aimee Mullins got me all filled up with tears last night in this amazing Ted talks lecture. Her story of embracing adversity immediately brought to mind the first female role model who embodied strength and courage in the face of life’s challenges. My Nana contracted polio in 1950. While I knew her to be…
Read MoreWhat’s up with all the food allergies????
More and more you hear of people who are allergic to wheat, gluten, lactose intolerant, peanut allergy…what the hell right? I bet it’s all in their heads, or in the water, or in paranoia. Just eat a cookie and be done with it you may be thinking. Well if you have had thoughts like that…
Read MoreThe sun will come out……tomorrow Yes Boston, for today it’s rain and for tomorrow….sun! There is a little story behind this clip. Annie has always been my favorite musical. I actually was Annie in a rendition of the musical at my elementary school. That was before my hair was auburn and while I still had the not so great…
Read MoreOh what a feeling, feels relieving!
I hope you all enjoyed the YouTube clip yesterday in my post Psst I have a secret…..After dancing around the living room last night to Jennifer Beals anthem, I found Flashdance on Netflix. Was so excited because nothing says live from your hear and your life’s passion like that movie! All I have to do…
Read MorePssst I have a secret….
Well it’s not actually a secret per se….but that’s what it’s called. You’ve got it, The infamous book and DVD THE SECRET. I know, I know, eye rolls, Oprah’s Book list, annoying self help BS. I know all the grips, I said them all five years ago when a friend suggested that I buy the…
Read MoreFind the flow and go with it
I’m back after a few days off. This week was go go go leaving not much time to hang for tea with you all.. I do have something to report to you though. Earlier in the week I had a discussion with some folks on the difference between escaping and being in flow. You may…
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