New beginnings

Last week I came home to this gorgeous sunset outside my kitchen door and it just had the feeling of a new beginning blossoming. This past Thursday the moon began a new cycle and brought with it opportunities for new beginnings. Have you felt how the energy seem to be lightening up? Ahhhh thank god is all I can say! Despite my cold wanting to linger, I can say the air just feels lighter and people seem brighter. Everyone seems to be saying a collective sigh as they go about their weekend travels. People are smiling and so am I. What does this all mean? Well it’s a perfect time to move forward with embodying some of those intentions you may have created on New Years Day. Oh those resolutions? you say. To that I say no silly, not resolutions, INTENTIONS! The fine little difference between the two is the difference between believing in universal spiritual energy and taking the world on your shoulders alone. We all have to take steps in moving forward if things are going to change in our lives. I would say it seems far more powerful when we take those steps forward with the belief that we are being supported and guided along the way. Lately conversations about spirit have been coming up all over the place. Opportunities to reflect with others how life seems to fall into place when we get out of our own ways. What do I mean by that you ask Hmmm well I can only speak for myself as well as from someone who sits in chairs listening to others’ stories. We funny creatures have a way of making the simplest things so darn complicated. We search high and low for the answers to our struggles when in fact if we stopped looking and took a step back, we would find that there really wasn’t much of a struggle to begin with. Sound familiar? A loud hell ya is coming from within as I reflect on recent things that felt like they were causing a big struggle in my life but mostly because I was allowing them to be the crisis of the moment. In all actuality, most of what our mind decides to pick up and run with often are life’s ups and downs: the peaks and valleys that generally become a blip on the screen as time moves on. So if they are just blips on the screen, why does our mind create them to be like the daytime soap operas? What is up with that? My mind, thinks in grandiose Hollywood style when my emotions have taken over I create blockbuster films that never get released. Ugh my recently uplifted spirit says. So if we know they will be a blip on the screen and a movie that no well paid actor would take on, how do we learn to disengage from them sooner rather than later? Good question, right?