Merry Christmas…Happy Holidays and all that jazz

Christmas has come and I find myself in a slow, reflective mode this morning. My three wise men above have helped guide me along the way this year and I thought I would share their love and support with you as well. Buddha has helped me find more moments of grounding, Laughing Buddha of Abundance has taught me to rise above my fears to see that the Universe always provides no matter what and Ganesh has helped me see my way through whatever obstacles I perceive are before me (and sometimes he tells me that the obstacle is me:) As I am reflecting on the events of the Eve of this day, I just wanted to send out a big thank you with hugs and kisses and all the love that in my heart to my readers. While I have written lately about the intensity of the holiday season, it is also a time of the year for mindful movement, cultivating peace within and gratitude. Over the past 24 hours some insights have arisen around things that I would like to cultivate in the New Year and I look forward to sharing them with you as they all unfold. As stress begins to clear, awareness has a chance to rise to the surface and creativity flows more freely. After my body has a chance to gain some rest and restoration, I look forward to beginning to put these insights into form and bring them to you for another year of tea time celebrations. (And I got a boat load of tea from Santa so we have lots to talk about!)
For those of you that celebrate Christmas, I wish for you a gentle, loving and joyous day. Take time to take care of you and honor your body and spirit. One thing that I have learned through my journey with you all this year is that happiness and love is abundant and available in each and every moment. All we need to do is be open to seeing it and receiving it.
Best wishes for a lovely and blessed day:)